Thursday 9 June 2011

Gaming Heaven at E3

Well it was that time of year again, a gamer's haven - E3!! I wish I could have been but of course it's not in the UK, it was in Los Angales and it was all over the interweb via GameTrailers, GameSpot, IGN and other gaming sites and tech blogs - I was following Geoff on GameTrailers along with YouTube's own iJustine providing all the social media's updates.

It was Microsoft first turn in the spotlight, nothing major was announced in terms of hardware (that was Sony and Nintendo's area of excitement, but that will be discussed later) but it was a few software updates i.e. It's pride and joy ... The Kinect!! Now I have a Kinect at home and my opinion of it fluctuates quite allot, I mean it is great in terms of tech breakthrough but for me I am more of a core gamer and jumping up and down, firing an invisible gun and basically moving around like a maniac. So Kinect was one of Microsoft's main highlights, announcements included little programs created from the brand in a little package called 'Fun Labs'. One for example is called 'Kinect Me' which allows you to make a photo realistic Avatar of yourself, after a quick use of it last night I have to say it was pretty good. It firstly asks if you are Male or Female, then takes a passport-like photo followed by at body shot where you have to stand in the guidelines. After a couple of seconds...poof...there is avatar you! Unfortunately at the moment you can only share photos which is quite an anti-climax in my opinion. Another main reveal was an addition to one of the biggest gaming francheise in history...HALO! Yes, yes, Halo 4 is coming...exciting huh!? A trailer was shown with some tantalising points, I can't wait to get my thumbs on that game! (oh and apparently it's not by Bungie any more!)

This is getting quite long now and I'm typing this on my iPad resulting in some finger cramp so I'll talk about Sony's conference. Honest, I was sitting at home waiting for the announcement of the NGP or now called 'Vita'. I was amazed, my brother was sitting next to me with his anti-Sony quips and ended up walking out the room. I do think Xbox is better but that's beside the point, cutting this short...I want one!

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